
Showing posts with the label half hull.

Typhoon Half Hull and Dumas Pond Yachts

So I have decided to start the half hull project.  The boom tent is still in the back of my head.  I just keep thinking I will need to get on and off the boat to take a few more measurements as I sew that up and with it under the winter cover that could be tricky. In the mean time the half hull is a good thing to play with troughout the on coming winter months.  ... Wonder if winter will ever get here it's looking like a green Christmas. Here I am starting to lay out the chines.  The line drawings came from Todd Dunn link here .  Upon getting all the chines laid out I scored them all out with a utility knife and razor blade. I used my dremel to rough cut out the chines and I'll go back with a sanding bit to form them up later.   Myles needed something to do so we decided to pull apart my old Dumas Gee Gee sailing sloop.  This is an old pond yacht. My uncle and I built when I was a kid.  My brothers and I spent ...