Boat Yoga Deck Re-finishing Step 1.
With another amazing weather weekend, I decided it was time. One of the projects I've been eyeing on Woodstock is a deck re-finish. To make this happen I started with a bit of boat yoga. I emptied out the sail lockers and went down in them to lay a few layers of supporting fiberglass mat to the bottom of the floor. The floor has some spider cracking and I think the extra support below will help prevent it from coming back once the top is ground out and filled. The hatch is one of the areas with the most spider cracking so I ground out the offending areas with my Dremel tool and then mixed up some West system with 410 fairing compound. The non-skid deck in the cockpit is in pretty rough shape and I've been doing a lot of research to figure out what to use. I want to keep the original look of the non-skid and the best match I've found is Kiwi Grip. I'm still up in the air on what to use on the smooth surfaces like the hatch and bulkhead where the ...