This post is about two months late. I've been out of the water since the end of September. I don't know why I just haven't gotten around to writing lately. This year we brought the boat home for the winter. Usually, we leave it at the marina but I have plans to redo some of the brightwork this spring. I'll be able to self-launch when I'm ready plus it has gives me the chance to do a rig inspection as well as look through everything really closely. Now I have a list of winter projects in hand. Everything from a few little sail patches to switching out a few turnbuckles. During my rig inspection, I found I need to change out 2 turnbuckles, as soon as I touched the windex the brittle old plastic shattered and I'm also planning on replacing the internal halyards, main, and jib this winter. Here the mast is all wound up and ready to go back up on the deck for the winter This season, I sailed exclusively...