Mast and cabin electrical.

So the P.O. of our Mirage was using it for club racing with his grandson on Lake St. Claire. Fun but we are planning a bit more relaxed sailing and have started making some modifications to allow for more extended weekending trips. 

 One of the first things I needed to do was sort out the mast lighting system. Coming down the mast he had two sets of wires run. The first set ran the masthead anchor light and the second set the steaming light. Coming through the deck there is only one port to be plugged into and the plug only matches the steaming light. So the anchor light simply had no place to go unless you hooked wires to in and stuffed them down the plug. This did not seem like a good long term solution. So it is time to get creative. I called my brother up, the electrical engineer and told him what I wanted. He sourced out the parts for me on Amazon and drew out a wiring diagram for me. I got to work wiring it up.  The results are a waterproofed 3-way switch located at the mast. When the switch is up the anchor light is on. When it is in the middle both lights are on, and when switched down we have just the steaming light on.  Everything is shut off from the main fuse box in the cabin. 

The next addition is a couple of power ports to the cabin. These are simple enough. I put one up in the v berth for charging phones and a second one in the main cabin by the galley sink.  The main galley cabin one is set up so I can run a trickle charge solar panel out the hatch and lay it on the deck. 


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